Horizon Hearing Centres Ltd.


Ensuring Optimal Hearing Health: The Importance of Dedicated Hearing Care

Dedicated hearing care is essential for maintaining a high quality of life through effective management of hearing health. This post explores the critical role of audiologists in diagnosing and treating hearing issues, the importance of a strong patient-provider relationship, and the safety measures necessary to protect our hearing.

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When to Repair or Replace Your Hearing Aids: Expert Advice

Struggling with whether to repair or replace your hearing aids? Our guide explores the best options for custom-made and older devices, helping you make informed decisions to ensure optimal hearing performance. Discover expert tips and signs to watch for, and keep your hearing aids in top condition with Horizon Hearing.

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A Horizon Hearing specialist presenting a behind-the-ear hearing aid, emphasizing the importance of regular hearing aid maintenance for optimal performance.

Avoid Costly Repairs with These Hearing Aid Maintenance Tips

Discover the key to lasting hearing aid performance with our latest Horizon Hearing blog post. Dive into essential maintenance tips to avoid repairs and keep your device in top shape. Ready for the full story? Click through to learn how to safeguard your sound experience with Horizon Hearing’s expert advice.

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Close-up of a senior person's ear wearing a behind-the-ear hearing aid, with a finger adjusting the device.

The Consequences of Not Getting Frequent Hearing Test

Hearing loss is more than an inconvenience; it’s a critical health issue. Without regular testing, you might not notice the gradual fade, from missing daily sounds to struggling with conversation. Regular hearing checks are not just about staying connected to the world around you; they’re a preventive measure against isolation, depression, and cognitive decline.

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Horizon Hearing Centres are a reputable Hearing Aid Clinic in Manitoba

How to Persuade a Loved One to Wear a Hearing Aid

When addressing hearing loss with a loved one, the key is empathy and support. Start with an honest conversation about the impact of their hearing loss and the benefits of hearing aids. Offer your encouragement and understand their perspective. Remember, patience and compassion are crucial in helping them accept the idea of using a hearing aid. Horizon Hearing Centres, established by Kevin and Scott Greig, provides personalized support and the latest in hearing aid technology to enhance quality of life.

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Horizon Centre is the right address for hearing aids in Winnipeg

10 Tips for Handling Restaurant Noise with Hearing Aids

10 Tips for Handling Restaurant Noise with Hearing Aids If you’re hearing impaired and need help understanding conversations in noisy restaurant settings, you may find it difficult to enjoy a meal with friends and family. However, with the right strategies, you can manage the noise with your hearing aids and enjoy a pleasant dining experience.

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